The State of Florida’s African American History Task Force is an advocate for Florida’s school districts, teacher education training centers, and the community at large, in implementing the teaching of the history of African peoples and the contributions of African Americans to society. The Task Force works to ensure awareness of the requirements, identify and recommend needed state education leadership action, assist in adoption of instructional materials by the state, and build supporting partnerships.

Goal 1: Promoting awareness, understanding, and the infusing of the required instruction legislation that addresses the African and African American experience into the curriculum of Florida’s schools.

Goal 2: Development of instructional guidelines, standardized framework, and supplemental materials /resources that include the African and African American experience.

Goal 3: Provide pre- and in-service training for implementation of the required instruction using various technologies and materials.

Goal 4: Make recommendations to the Commissioner of Education and the appropriate Florida Department of Education leaders that support the full implementation of the required instruction mandate.